Plasma composition plays an important role in coronal physics and in tracing the connection between the corona and solar wind. Due to the First Ionization Potential (FIP) effect, low-FIP elements typically show an increased abundance in specific coronal structures.
We study the evolution of plasma composition in a decaying active region, which was observed continuously for more than 2 weeks in 2022-10 by Solar Orbiter and then by SDO and Hinode. We analyse EUV spectroscopic data from Solar Orbiter/SPICE using the Linear Combination Ratio (LCR) method, after careful selection of the lines to be used. We interpret our results in the context of the overall plasma configuration obtained from EUI and PHI on Solar Orbiter and AIA and HMI on SDO. Furthermore, comparison with results from EIS/Hinode allows us to distinguish between the coronal plasma composition at different temperatures and altitudes in the corona.
Ultimately, we want to measure the coronal composition during transient events and detect their signatures in the inner heliosphere using in-situ instruments from Solar Orbiter, PSP, or BepiColombo.